Лучшие эмуляторы iOS для Windows: выбор для пользователей

Office Mobile for iPhone

Office Mobile for iPhone delivers the three core Office apps—Word, Excel, and PowerPoint—to the iPhone. When Microsoft first launched Office Mobile for iPhone, using the app required an Office 365 subscription. Microsoft has since removed that restriction and now offers the app for free.

The capabilities of Office Mobile for iPhone are admittedly limited. You won’t be writing the next great American novel, or creating a massive Excel spreadsheet with sparklines and pivot tables. But, you can review and edit existing files and create basic documents. Office Mobile for iPhone even includes templates for common documents you might create from a smartphone, like Agenda, Budget, or Mileage Tracker.

Way 1: Official Solutions for Apple Mobile Device Support Download

First, you can try out the official solutions offered by Apple to manually download and install iTunes and related Apple software on your Windows PC. This can be a bit more diffidult for most people. However, the steps for Apple mobile device download differ depending on if you downloaded iTunes from the Microsoft Store or from Apple. You can follow the steps below:

If you downloaded iTunes from the Microsoft Store

  1. Open Control Panel > Device Manager.
  2. Plug in your device.
  3. Locate Universal Serial Bus Controllers > Apple Mobile Device USB Driver. It is also possible the device may show under Imaging Devices, Portable Devices or Other Devices or as an MTB USB Device.
  4. Right-click and select Update Driver Software.
  5. Click Browse my computer for driver software.
  6. Browse to C:Program FilesCommon FilesAppleMobile Device SupportDrivers or C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAppleMobile Device SupportDrivers.
  7. Click Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer.
  8. Click Apple Mobile Device USB Driver.
  9. Click Next, then Close and exit Device Manager.

If you downloaded iTunes from Apple website

  1. Disconnect your device from the computer.
  2. Unlock your device now and reconnect it to your computer.
  3. Press the Windows + R keys to open the Run command and then type in the following command in the box: %ProgramFiles%Common FilesAppleMobile Device SupportDrivers, and hit Enter.
  4. Find the usbaapl64.inf or usbaapl.inf file, then right-click on either of them and choose Install.
  5. Now disconnect your device from the computer, then restart your computer.

#7. Electric Mobile Studio

Electric Mobile Studio can help you develop, test, redesign, and create iOS apps on Windows. It even allows you to change resolutions on the fly, upgrade or degrade HTML5 support, etc. Nevertheless, it is a bit heavy and consumes more RAM compared with other iPhone emulators.

It has full-featured emulation of iPhones, iPads, and responsive apps. In addition, it is capable of utilizing the same product on two computers for frequent work arrangements at the office and at home. Due to the integrated WebKit and Chrome debugging tools, Electric Mobile Studio is preferred among developers.

This iOS emulator allows you to add hot-key navigation keys for mapping your favorite shortcuts. It offers you a 7-day free trial. After that, you need to pay for it.

How to Play PC Games on Android, iPhone and Windows mobile

Gaming on PC is great, but everyone wants to get mobile and still enjoy most PC features in their mobile device. Things are getting better these days, as recent technology makes everything mobile and accessible in best experience.

Last time, I briefed you guys how to convert exe programs to apk format, and I’m pretty sure that those of you who followed the guide is already enjoying some exe programs on your android device. Today, I’ll show you how to run PC games on Android, iPhone and windows mobile.

By now, you should know that running android programs on PC is very easy, with the help of some emulators. You can even run iPhone apps on your computer. I’ve already published articles on that. So, next is how to reverse the case, which is, running PC games on mobile.

How to Play PC Games on Android, iPhone and Windows mobile

Actually, with the help of an app called remotr, we can easily remote PC games on our android, iPhone and windows phone device. So, the app makes it possible to play PC hames on android, iPhone and windows mobile. Apart from games, you can play stream through anything (no matter the quality) on your device, as long as it starts from the PC.

The Remotr program lets you stream high resolution and graphic intensive games straight to your tablet, android, iPhone, iPad or windows mobile. It also lets you play games using gesture for devices that comes with such functionality and some other pre-configured button presets; you can customize yours if you wish.

The good thing using this program is that the game stream rate is fast and responsive, it works smooth (no matter the android or mobile device you’re using, it’s all covered), lets you to connect multiple devices and the design of the program comes with smooth interface which makes it user-friendly.


How to make use of Remotr Program from PC and Mobile

2.Install the program and create a new account with them from their website

3.After that, download the remotr app for your mobile device; don’t worry download links for mobile app provided below.

4.Login the created account on your mobile

5.After that, select your computer and also the PC games you wish to run on your mobile

6.Configure settings and you’re good to go.

Where to download Remotr for Mobile?

Read also

  • Cool Steps to Run Android Apps on your Windows Smartphone
  • How to Get Google PlayStore Paid Apps for Free on Android
  • How to Install Paid Cydia Apps & Tweaks for Free

That’s it… once you’re done, you can begin gaming. You can also remotr the games on TV and enjoy your favorite PC games on TV. Hope this helps, if you encounter any difficulty implementing any of the above procedure, please do let me know via comment section.

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How to Play PC Games on Android, iPhone and Windows mobile



iCloud для Windows

Пользователи Apple iCloud могут просматривать свои фото на Windows-ПК. Эту возможность легко настроить, просто нужно знать как.

Вы можете сами выбрать контент, который нужно синхронизировать на всех ваших устройствах, в том числе медиатеку iCloud, фотопоток, загрузки и многое другое.

iCloud отлично работает с функцией поиска файлов Windows и даже может прикрепляться к панели быстрого доступа. Приложение разработано Apple и является абсолютно бесплатным.

Итак, подведем итог. Конечно, добиться такой же интеграции iOS с Windows-ПК, как с Mac, не получится. Однако существует немало способов, позволяющих вместе использовать iOS- и Windows-устройства.

Как подключить приложение Microsoft Your Phone к iPhone


Теперь на стороне iPhone, если вы ищете приложение Microsoft Your Phone в App Store, вы ничего не найдете. Это потому, что его не существует. Потрясенный? Так что делать?

Вам нужно либо загрузить приложение Microsoft Edge, либо «Продолжить на ПК» из App Store на вашем iPhone.


После загрузки функции различаются в каждом приложении. Давайте посмотрим, как и что происходит после их подключения. Кроме того, в любом случае вам не нужно ничего делать на стороне Windows, кроме установки приложения «Ваш телефон», если оно недоступно. Приложение просто средство.

Ссылка Продолжить на ПК на iPhone на Windows

Откройте приложение «Продолжить на ПК» на своем iPhone. Учебный экран будет приветствовать вас. Проведите влево, чтобы проверить все экраны. Наконец, вы увидите кнопку «Попробовать сейчас». Ничего сверх этого нет. Вы можете нажать на него, но это только откроет браузер.

Это приложение не имеет встроенной функции. Он просто добавляет новую функцию в меню «Поделиться». Итак, вот как использовать это приложение.

Шаг 1: Запустите любой браузер на вашем iPhone и откройте веб-страницу. Браузер может быть Google Chrome, Safari и т. д. Затем, когда вы хотите открыть эту веб-страницу на ПК с Windows, коснитесь значка общего доступа в браузере. Проведите пальцем влево по значкам приложений и нажмите «Продолжить» на ПК.

Шаг 2. Если опция «Продолжить на ПК» недоступна, нажмите «Еще». Включите переключатель рядом с Продолжить на ПК. Это добавит ярлык в главное меню общего доступа. Это разовый шаг. Нажмите Готово.

Шаг 3: Нажмите на опцию «Продолжить на ПК» в меню общего доступа.

Шаг 4: Если это ваш первый раз, вам будет предложено войти в свою учетную запись Microsoft. Используйте ту же учетную запись, которая подключена к вашему компьютеру с Windows 10.

Шаг 5: После подключения вам будет предложено выбрать компьютер для совместного использования веб-страницы. Вам будет предоставлен выбор, хотите ли вы напрямую открыть страницу на компьютере или отправить ее в виде уведомления, чтобы вы могли проверить ее позже. Используйте подходящий вариант.

Уведомление будет доступно в Центре уведомлений Windows. Нажмите на ссылку, чтобы открыть ее.


Помимо обмена веб-страницами на ПК, вы можете использовать приложение «Продолжить на ПК», чтобы продолжить работу с онлайн-копиями файлов Microsoft из Word, Excel и других. То есть, если вы редактировали любой такой файл на своем iPhone, вы найдете тот же файл на временной шкале ПК с Windows. Нажмите на файл, чтобы сразу приступить к его редактированию.

Чтобы просмотреть временную шкалу, щелкните значок «Просмотр задач» на панели задач. Если он отсутствует, щелкните правой кнопкой мыши панель задач и выберите кнопку «Показать представление задач».

Прокрутите вниз в представлении задач, и вы найдете последние файлы с вашего iPhone. Нажмите Просмотреть все действия для всех последних файлов.

Свяжите Microsoft Edge на iPhone с Windows

Использование этого метода для привязки iPhone к Windows ограничивает его функциональность только Edge. То есть вы не можете делиться страницами из других браузеров или приложений.

В любом случае, как только браузер будет установлен, запустите его и выполните следующие действия:

Шаг 1: Вам будет предложено войти в свою учетную запись Microsoft. Используйте ту же учетную запись, которая подключена к вашему компьютеру с Windows.

Шаг 2. Вам будет предложено предоставить разрешения для «Поделиться информацией о посещаемых вами веб-сайтах» и «Поделиться данными об использовании для персонализации». Предоставьте оба разрешения. Если вы пропустите это, вы можете включить их в настройках браузера Edge > Конфиденциальность и безопасность.

Шаг 3: Откройте веб-страницу и коснитесь значка «Продолжить на ПК» в нижней части браузера Edge. Затем выберите компьютер, на который вы хотите отправить веб-страницу прямо сейчас. Нажмите «Продолжить позже», чтобы отправить его в качестве уведомления. Это единственный шаг, который вам нужно выполнить. Первые два нужно сделать только один раз.

Несмотря на то, что этот метод ограничивает функциональность браузера Edge, он дает дополнительную функцию. То есть теперь вы можете просматривать веб-страницы, которые недавно открывались в браузере Edge на iPhone на вашем ПК с Windows, с помощью функции временной шкалы в представлении задач. Для этого откройте представление задач, как показано в приведенном выше методе, прокрутите вниз и щелкните веб-страницы, обозначенные текстом Microsoft Edge, если вы хотите открыть его на своем ПК.

#2. Corellium

Like Appetize.io, Corellium is also a web-based iPhone emulator for PC. At the very beginning, Corellium was only available to enterprise users. Now, individuals can also use this iOS emulator. However, it is hard to master this tool as it doesn’t want to be used by the wrong people. Given that fact, it is mostly used by security researchers to run a simulated iOS device.

Though Corellium is a cloud-based emulator, it doesn’t collect any customer information from customer project networks or network traffic. All the data in the Corellium is encrypted and the keys are only known to the database.

With Corellium, you can run production codes without compiling them again. It can support sensors on iPhones like battery and GPS, and record screens through the device’s native FPS. As it has powerful APIs, it allows you to integrate them with your current test frameworks.

Moreover, you are allowed to set hardware-specific features. By doing so, it would be easy to create apps targeted on specific iOS devices. You will get the emulator running on Arm hardware at the price of $99. Then you can test cross-platform mobile applications with ease.

How To Install iOS Emulator on Windows 10?

Just you need to follow some steps and you will be installed your favorite on iOS Emulator. Which one you like to download and check the below steps.

  1. Download an iOS Emulator for PC, I download iPadian.
  2. Go to the download folder and open the installer file. (iPadian.exe).
  3. Preparing to install, you get a dashboard from where you have to download and install the iOS emulator.
  4. Click the Next, it will download within a few minutes.
  5. iPadian ready for installation, just click the install button and select destination location for installing the emulator.
  6. Click Next and install the iOS emulator for Windows. it will complete within few minutes.
  7. Completing the iPadian Wizard setup, now you can launch the iOS emulator.

I hope you have installed Emulator successfully if there is any problem let us know.

Mine Words: Pick up your favorite one and run it on Windows, there are lots of iOS Emulator and we almost have coved in this article if we missed out on anyone, let us know.

Now you will be able to download and install iOS Apps on your Windows PC, use apps, games, App Store, and get an iOS experience. The majority of people are looking for iPhone Emulator for their own work like iOS apps testing and development. I wise these emulators will help you to figure your work and if you have errors to install it, feel free to let us know we will assist you.

Is there an iOS emulator?

There are a good number of iOS emulators available to download for Windows or Mac but these emulators are not like any other emulator BlueStacks or Nox App Player.

Can iOS Emulator run PUBG?

No: iOS emulator can not run such a PUBG game because mostly emulator comes for iPhone apps testing and that doesn’t support games.

It can be a good source to run iPhone apps on a computer or laptop without paying any single penny. We have covered many iOS emulators which you can try to test your apps if you are a developer or might want to play games.

How Does Microsoft Your Phone App Work with iPhone

If you have ever connected Android phone to the Your Phone app, things will seem very different for iPhone. That’s because the app has many limitations in the case of iPhone. You do not get as many powers as available for Android phones. That is, you cannot sync messages, notifications, or even photos as available on Android. Then what does the app do?

Well, it lets you send links from the supported apps such as web browsers, YouTube, Pinterest, and more from your iPhone to the Windows PC. By doing so, the links will open directly on your system. For instance, if you are reading an interesting article on any browser on your iPhone, then you can continue to read it on your computer using Your Phone app.

Besides sharing links, you can also keep track of pages visited via the Edge browser on iPhone. That’s done via the Timeline feature on Windows. You can click on a web page in Timeline, and it will load on your PC.

The Timeline also lets you view the recently opened/edited Microsoft files from Excel, Word, etc. on iPhone. The files must have been saved to the cloud, and only then you can view them in Timeline. Clicking on a file in Timeline will open it directly on your PC without you having to open any other app.

In short, it connects iPhone and Windows in a different way than Android.

Xbox SmartGlass

Xbox Live is the service that powers Microsoft’s entire gaming ecosystem. There’s an Xbox app built into Windows 10 that lets users capture footage from games they own, look at achievements and start parties with other Xbox One members. It can be used as a keyboard for the Xbox One’s apps and can stream games and broadcast TV directly from the console.

Xbox SmartGlass isn’t as sophisticated as what you have on your Windows 10 PC yet, but it’s still pretty robust. The app allows broadcast TV streaming, achievement tracking and browsing for the Xbox Store. You can also reply to messages from the app. Even when you’re away from both your computer and your Xbox One you can enjoy what Xbox Live has to offer on your iPhone.


In this guide, we have shared the five best ways to build iOS apps on Windows computers. Don’t let the unavailability of Mac OS stop you from developing iOS apps.

These are the exact Xcodes alternatives that you are looking for. So, start to work on the iOS development in Windows using any of the options.

These are the easiest options to build iOS apps on windows. In case you need further guidance or want to discuss your mobile app idea, contact our team of professional iOS app developers.

Let’s have a glimpse of the best iOS apps developed by our iOS team.

Food Delivery App That Secured Funding of $1.2 Billion

Glovo is one of the unicorn apps developed by Space-O. Apple chose Glovo for its “Best of 2016” award. This iOS app offers multi-category grocery product delivery and has over 30 million app downloads. TechCrunch, Financial Times, and Bloomberg have covered this application.

eLearning Platform That Secured Funding of $1.4 Million

We created Fyule Video Lab, a video learning platform for an EdTech startup, funded by $1.4 million from an Angel syndicate including leaders from Google, Deloitte, Tata 1mg, and Axis Capital. We developed this platform for iOS, Android, and web using Flutter, PHP, Laravel, and MySQL.

OpenAI-based Image to Text App

ReadGenie is a reading assistant app that uses technologies like OCR and GPT 3.5 model to convert/extract images to text, summarize the main points, generate new content, and translate content to multiple languages.

Get in touch with us to discuss your app idea with our app consultant. We will help you with everything from idea validation to app deployment.

Using the Code

The Solution

I have chosen C#/.NET to make things simpler and we will be using Visual Studio 2005 as the IDE.
If you have a bit of understanding of writing with C# or C++ (Windows GDI), this reading can be quicker and useful.

To debug the project, you need the Windows Mobile 6 Professional and Standard Software Development Kits Refresh. The project contains:

  • Two forms Home.cs and MainMenu.cs
  • The class to manage the P/Invoke PlatformAPIs
  • The class for the image
  • The class to move the Image
  • The class to Intercept the touched button
  • The class to execute the
  • and a lot of BMP files

Originally, I have released only one form, but successively I have split it in two to make things more clear and removed the Topbar from the MainMenu.cs.
This is a sample with 4 different wallpapers, all included in the solution.

The forms are in full screen () for best image and I have overridden the .

What Is an iOS Emulator For Windows PC?

Before going ahead, let us just brush up on the concept of an ‘Emulator’. Emulators can be known as an added software that can create another atmosphere on Windows (in this case) to operate iOS apps and other functions. They essentially replicate the iPhone on other operating systems to help you run and test iOS apps. Mostly developers and gamers are the ones to be using them the most, but now you can also have a try at it.

Besides the positive side of an emulator including platform-hopping and cost-free availability, it can disturb other apps’ working due to large RAM usage. Because of it, your high-end game may also get disturbed. Hence, we recommend a solution called Advanced PC Cleanup, which not only improves system performance but also acts as a game booster, system protector, Windows, and disk optimizer.

You might have heard about several Android emulators before, let us run through the details of iOS emulators for Windows today whose list is collaborated below.


OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive) is Microsoft’s cloud file storage service. It is tightly integrated with Windows and with Microsoft Office (including Office Mobile for iPhone). The OneDrive app for iPhone lets you browse all the files you’ve stored in the cloud. You can move, delete, and rename files, and create new folders in OneDrive from the app. You can open files from the OneDrive app in other appropriate apps, such as opening a Word document in Office Mobile for iPhone.

One of the best features is the ability to upload photos and videos you capture with your iPhone automatically to your OneDrive account. iOS does this natively by making photos available through PhotoStream in iCloud, but PhotoStream doesn’t sync videos. With the Camera Backup option enabled, you can rest assured that your photos and videos are safe even if your iPhone is lost or stolen, and you’ll be able to access them from any Windows or Mac PC, tablet, or smartphone without having to figure out how to transfer them.

Phone Link app for Windows PC

Setting this entire thing up involves a few steps on both devices. So make sure you follow all of them to get the setup right. There might be a few connection issues initially, but you can always reset everything and try again.


Open the Microsoft Store and search for Phone Link. Install the latest version of this application. And if you already have it installed on your computer, make sure you update it to the latest version. Start the application, login with your Microsoft Account and in the next screen click on the “Link your Phone” button.

Now in this window, enter your mobile phone number, and you are good to go on the PC part.

On Mobile

Check your messages if you have received a text regarding the Phone Link app. Clicking on the link inside the message will take you to the Google Play store from where you can install the companion application.

Once the application has been installed, log in using the same credentials you used while setting up the PC. Grant all the permissions requested by the app such as read messages, read files, send messages, etc.

Once this is done, you are ready to connect your PC to your phone. Now back on your PC, open the Phone Link app again and wait till it automatically detects your phone. In the meantime, you might also get a notification on your mobile requesting you to allow this PC to read your data. Tap on Allow to successfully set up a connection between your phone and PC.

To link your iPhone and Windows PC, you will have to install Microsoft Edge or Continue on PC as the companion app on your phone.

Read: Intel Unison vs Phone Link: Which one is better?

3 Best iPhone Manager for Windows in 2024

1. FoneTool – The Best iPhone Manager for Windows

When it comes to the best iPhone manager for Windows free, FoneTool stands out as the top choice. FoneTool offers a comprehensive set of features to effectively manage your iPhone data. You cannot only use this software to back up your iPhone on your PC but also transfer your data from iPhone to PC.

Some benefits of using FoneTool to manage your iPhone data are as follows:

Comprehensive Data Backup: FoneTool allows you to make a selective or full backup of your iPhone data, ensuring the protection of important files, contacts, messages, etc.One-click Restore: With FoneTool, you can quickly create an iPhone backup and then easily restore your iPhone to a previous backup with one click.Flexible Data Transfer: FoneTool helps you transfer various types of data (such as photos, videos, music, contacts, messages, and other files) between your iPhone and PC, providing a convenient way to synchronize data.User-friendly Interface: FoneTool has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to perform backup and transfer operations, even for those without technical expertise.

So, how to manager your iPhone data on PC using FoneTool? There are two ways for you.

Way 1. Back Up Your iPhone Data on Windows PC

Step 1: Free download FoneTool and follow the instructions to install it on your Windows PC > Connect your iPhone to PC with a well-matched USB cable.

Download FreewareWin 11/10/8.1/8/7/XP
Secure Download

Step 2: Choose Phone Backup on the Home screen of FoneTool > Get to Selective Backup > Click Get Started to begin.

Step 3: Click each icon to select the files you want to back up to your PC > Choose a storage path to save the backup files > Click Start Backup.

Way 2. Transfer Your Data from iPhone to Windows PC

Step 1: Connect your iPhone to your PC by tapping Trust on your iPhone screen > Launch FoneTool to its main interface. Then, click Phone Transfer > iPhone to PC > Start Transfer.

Step 2: Click the Plus icon to select the data you want to transfer > Click OK to continue.

Step 3: Click Transfer Settings to choose a path to transfer your data from iPhone to PC > Click the Start Transfer button.

In addition to backing up or transferring your iPhone data, FoneTool helps you wipe your iPhone clean, delete duplicate Photos, or convert HEIC to JPG, PNG, etc.

Free iPhone Management Software | Transfer & Backup iPhone with FoneTool

2. iTunes – Official Tool to Manage Your iPhone

iTunes, as the official iPhone management software for iOS devices, offers comprehensive features to back up your iPhone data to your computer. While it is powerful, users often express frustration with its complex interface and numerous sections, making it difficult to locate specific features.

Nevertheless, iTunes remains a viable option for easily backing up your iPhone. The advantage of iTunes is that it backs up almost all the data on your device, except for files that have been uploaded to iCloud, such as messages and pictures.

Here is how to use iTunes to back up your iPhone:

Step 2: Click the phone-shape icon in the upper left of iTunes > Choose Summary > Click Back Up Now.

iTunes can help you make a full iPhone backup, but it doesn’t allow you to selectively back up your iPhone.

3. iCloud – Backup iPhone to the Cloud

However, if additional storage is needed, iCloud offers a variety of subscription plans. For an additional 50GB, users can choose from a $0.99 per month package. There is also a 200GB package for $2.99 per month and a 2TB package for $9.99 per month, offering more storage capacity to meet users’ needs.

So, how to use iCloud to back up your iPhone data? Follow the steps below to do that:

Step 1: Upgrade your iPhone to the latest version of iOS > Open the Settings app > Tap Apple ID (your name) > iCloud > Manage Storage.

Step 2: Choose Backups > This iPhone. Then, switch on the apps you’d like to back up in BACKUP OPTIONS.

After that, you can go to icloud.com on your Windows PC to manage your iPhone data.

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